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Molybdenum, Cobalt, Nickel, Vanadium and Tungsten

from spent Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts.


Poor Recovery


HDS Catalyst is used by the oil refining industry in large quantities to remove sulfur from various streams. When replacement of the catalyst is necessary, removal of the contaminated HDS catalyst is required. This catalyst will contain large amounts of Molybdenum and smaller amounts of Co, Ni, W and V. Conventional commercial recovery of Mo ranges from 80-90+%, Co, Ni, V, and W recovery is very poor.




MRTI has discovered the reason for poor metal recovery and has perfected a method to improve all metal recoveries to over 90%.




Furthermore, the steps required by the MRT's HDS technology are ¼ those necessary for existing technology.

​​RHOTEC is a trademark of Metals Recovery Technology Inc., U.S.A. Material Safety Data Sheets, Specifications, FAQs, and Performance data for our products are available upon request. The user must ensure compliance with all prudent safety standards and regulatory requirements governing the application. Metals Recovery Technology Inc., makes no warranties either expressed or implied as to the accuracy or appropriateness of this data and expressly excludes any liability upon Metals Recovery Technology arising out of its use. 

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714 524 8110

3305 East Miraloma Avenue, suite 174

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